Солнечный доктор Калифорнии: Открывая двери в мир безупречной стоматологии и улыбок
2023-06-05 Stories in faces

California's Sunshine Doctor: Opening Doors to a World of Impeccable Dentistry and Smiles

Finding a doctor who speaks Russian and Ukrainian in our Orange County area, and throughout Southern California, is an important aspect of successful treatment. Communicating in the same language promotes an accurate understanding of symptoms and allows patients to express their concerns and questions without fear of misinterpretation. This simplifies the treatment process, leads to quicker results and improves the quality of care a patient receives. In our region, the number of medical specialists of different specialties is limited, which can make it difficult to find a suitable doctor who speaks Russian and Ukrainian. However, it is with great pleasure and sincere joy that we will provide the most detailed information about such doctors, expand our connections and share information about them. This will not only strengthen our community, but also make life easier for those seeking understanding and support in the treatment process.

View from the reception area of the OC Dental Specialist
View from the reception area of the OC Dental Specialist

Today we have a unique opportunity to speak with Russian-speaking dentist, OC Dental Specialist Martha Rudat, owner of OC Dental Specialist practice. She has valuable experience and knowledge in the field of dentistry, as well as a high level of professionalism and individual approach to each patient. With her own practice in Orange County, Martha is a highly skilled dentist capable of treating her patients properly and effectively. Our today's VISA is a caring dentist who not only helps English-speaking patients, but also gladly accepts Russian and Ukrainian-speaking patients, making medicine accessible to all. Her successful career in dentistry began with her education at the prestigious University of Dentistry in Loma Linda, California. Here, she gained all the necessary knowledge and skills that allowed her to become a confident professional.

Martha, how did you decide to choose dentistry as your profession?
I grew up in a family where medicine played an important role: my father and grandmother were doctors, and my aunts worked as nurses and dentists. That's what influenced my choice. Dentistry reflects my three main passions: caring for people's health and well-being, being able to connect with and help patients, and supporting them through the recovery process. Another reason for my choice was specifically diagnostics. I like the fact that it presents a kind of challenge. I would say, a quest that needs to be solved in order to determine where to start treating the patient. This aspect of dentistry attracted me and became one of the reasons for choosing this profession. The opportunity to work with my hands, create beautiful smiles, and put creativity into the process of improving the aesthetics of teeth all inspire me every day when I go to the Tustin clinic. Being a doctor brings me the joy and happiness of knowing that I am making a difference for people and helping them achieve healthy and attractive smiles.

Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.
Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.

How long have you been practicing in California?
I have been working in California for 10 years now since I graduated from Loma Linda University, California. In addition, I studied and worked in my home country, which gave me good knowledge and skills that helped me easily master my studies here in the United States. By the way, already here at the university, I met many Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking graduate students who now provide care to patients throughout California.

"Dentistry reflects my three main passions: caring for people's health and well-being, being able to connect with and help patients, and supporting them through the restorative process."

Martha, what types of dental services do you provide to your patients?
OC Dental Specialists Tustin dental practice specializes in family and cosmetic dentistry. We also offer a personalized, comprehensive approach including exams, teeth cleaning, restorative services, fillings, crowns and bridges, restorative dentistry, and canal treatment. In addition, we provide prosthetics with implants or removable dentures. I would like to add that we perform root canal treatment and tooth extraction to all of the above services.

Dental implants have significant advantages over bridges.
Dental implants have significant advantages over bridges.

Dr. Rudat, do you provide orthodontic services in your dental practice, given the interest that many people have in this area?
Yes, we have two very experienced orthodontists in our practice. They have extensive experience with traditional braces and Invisaligners. Patients are able to pay for orthodontic services in equal monthly installments, which greatly eases their financial burden. Note that orthodontic procedures are in demand not only among teenagers, but also among people of different age categories, as maintaining healthy teeth, a beautiful smile and a correct bite plays an important role throughout a person's life.

Dental office.
Dental office.

You mentioned invisalign, what is it?
These are transparent removable appliances for correcting teeth, made from a 3D model that have advantages over traditional braces, such as being invisible and removable for eating and brushing. However, they are not suitable for all cases and require careful maintenance due to the risk of bacteria and food getting stuck.

"It is very important to me to have all the skills and knowledge I need to take the best possible care of my patients and provide them with the best dental care possible."

Is it possible to pay for orthodontic services at your clinic with insurance?
Yes, our clinic works with most insurance companies that provide PPO policies. Many insurance plans include coverage for orthodontic treatment. We understand that the cost of dental care in California can be high and limit access to quality dental care, so we strive to make it as affordable as possible for all of our patients. When people move to a new country, they often face financial constraints, but this should in no way affect their desire to take care of their health. In particular, when a toothache occurs, it is important to see a dentist for help and treatment to save the tooth. Oral health plays an important role in the overall health of the body, and taking care of it should be a priority for everyone, regardless of financial means. To that end, we offer a variety of financing options, including the Carecredit program, which allows our patients to access and pay for treatment in convenient installments.

Marta dentist banner

Tell us about your professional experience in dentistry and how you help patients?
My particular specialty lies in cosmetic dentistry, smile design and comprehensive oral rehabilitation. This means that I help patients improve the aesthetics and functionality of their teeth, creating harmonious and healthy smiles.

OC Dental Specialist Certifications
OC Dental Specialist Certifications

Martha, let me in on a secret, how do you keep patients comfortable during dental treatment, especially those who are stressed during dental visits, and how do you help adults and children in these situations?
The doors of OC Dental Specialists Tustin are open to all immigrants from CIS countries, as our practice employs specialists who speak Russian and Ukrainian. The medical team at our practice knows how to help patients feel comfortable during dental treatment, and works to ensure maximum comfort and peace of mind. We pay great attention to the state of our clients - there is a video library for distraction, and we also use sedation techniques, in which special medications or gases are administered to the charges to create a relaxed and calm state.

The clinic has a responsible attitude towards patient and staff safety.
The clinic has a responsible attitude towards patient and staff safety.

What measures do you take to ensure safe treatment and maintain standards of hygiene in the dental clinic?
We carefully follow all guidelines and protocols suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Dental Association to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. In particular, we regularly sterilize instruments and equipment, use disposable supplies, train our staff in aseptic and antiseptic procedures, and ensure that air quality and facility sanitation are constantly monitored. All this helps us to maintain a high level of hygiene and prevent the spread of infections in the dental clinic.

Sterile instruments are the key to successful treatment.
Sterile instruments are the key to successful treatment.

Interested in modern technology that has made its way into our daily lives: what is used in your dental clinic?
We strive to adhere to the principles of minimally invasive dentistry, which is the goal of preserving as much healthy tooth tissue as possible while solving dental problems. In other words, a method of dental treatment that tries to preserve as much of the healthy part of the tooth as possible while solving oral health problems. Our goal is to preserve the natural structure of the teeth during treatment and restoration, their form and function. At OC Dental Specialists we use digital radiographs and photographs to achieve this goal, as well as computer modeling to plan tooth restoration. In the not-too-distant future, we plan to expand our equipment, adding laser technology for effective gum treatment and a state-of-the-art scanner to create accurate dental impressions.

OC Dental Specialists utilizes digital radiography in the clinic.
OC Dental Specialists utilizes digital radiography in the clinic.

I'm curious, how do you make contact with new patients?
We usually perform a detailed oral examination, ask a series of questions about your health status, past health problems and treatment. We also try to explain in detail all treatment options and procedures that may be necessary. We also communicate with the patient as equals, respect their opinions and strive to create an atmosphere of trust during all consultations and procedures. We offer a tour of the clinic to familiarize them with the equipment and services. This always helps to establish a rapport between the patient and the clinic staff, and makes new clients feel comfortable during their first visit. In addition, we try to stay in touch through phone calls, emails and texts to recognize any health concerns and help them as soon as possible. Overall, our goal is to establish a long-term relationship, striving to provide the best service and support throughout the treatment process.

"We are careful to follow all guidelines and protocols suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Dental Association to ensure the safety of our patients and staff."

How do you maintain your dental knowledge and skills, and what courses or seminars do you attend for professional development?
As a practicing dentist, I am very enthusiastic about continuing to learn every month online, as well as attending week-long continuing education courses 2-4 times a year to keep up with the latest trends and new technologies in dentistry.
In a month I am traveling to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry conference in Texas, where the most experienced dentists in America will be conducting training courses. It is very important for me to have all the skills and knowledge I need to take the best care of my patients and provide them with the best dental care possible.

Give your smile to others.
Give your smile to others.

How do you handle complex tooth and gum treatment cases?
OC Dental Specialists values the experience and qualifications of each of our specialists such as periodontist, surgeon, endodontist and orthodontist. The interaction between them plays an important role in the clinic, as complex cases often require an interdisciplinary approach with multiple doctors working together to find the best solution. We constantly strive for synergy in our team to ensure the best quality of care and treatment results. Practice has proven that working together and sharing knowledge between specialists always helps to achieve the best results for our patients.

UA Moving banner

Martha, how do you convince patients to undergo complex treatments?
When they have all the information they need, they can make the best decisions about their health. That's why we try to provide them with all the information they need about dental problems and possible treatments. In our practice, we prioritize communication with patients and explain every step of treatment in detail so they can make informed decisions about their health

Martha Rudat, owner of OC Dental Specialist practice
Martha Rudat, owner of OC Dental Specialist practice

And finally, what tips can you give your patients about caring for their teeth and gums at home?
In order to maintain healthy teeth and gums, we often recommend that our clients use an electric toothbrush and water flosser, performing the procedure at least twice a day for two minutes at a time. In addition, we can offer a variety of oral care products, customizing them for each patient. Additionally, we also advise the use of a disinfectant as a supplement to the basic oral hygiene products. Regular visits to a Russian-speaking dentist in Orange County, should not be overlooked, as professional dental cleanings and diagnosis of problems will immediately help identify and address issues before they become serious. Lifestyle plays a very important role in our health, including dental health. Regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep are the main factors that can help us maintain healthy teeth and gums for years to come.

In conclusion, Martha Rudat Dentistry is open to anyone who resides in and around Orange County. OC Dental Specialists is ready to help all those in need of professional dental treatment.

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