Community Resources

All roads lead to California: 7 reasons to start a successful business in the state
All roads lead to California: 7 reasons to start a successful business in the state

Southern California is a region that has room to grow every business, even yours. And now we will try to convince you of that.

Far from home: how Orange County got a Ukrainian library
Far from home: how Orange County got a Ukrainian library

The Ukrainian community in Orange County is an inspiring force. It hosts large-scale events, founds businesses, schools, daycare centers. And even a library...

Community Resources
Газете украинской общины в Америке “Свобода” исполнится 130 лет!
The newspaper of the Ukrainian community in America "Svoboda" will be 130 years old!

On September 15, 1893, the first Ukrainian-language newspaper was published in Jersey City. Since then, every week Ukrainians in the United States receive a printed copy of the newspaper.

Community Resources
European grocery store: find your way to opening a store
European grocery store: find your way to opening a store

Over time, consumers' tastes and preferences are expanding with access to global cultures and cuisines. This global trend opens up opportunities for new business ideas, especially in the area of gastronomy. For example, to opening a European goods or grocery store in Orange County. Such a business project can become a gem of the local market. First of all, there is demand. And demand, as we know, requires supply.

Ягодный сезон в Orange County – в самом разгаре
Orange County's berry season is in full swing

The summer season is the perfect opportunity to replenish your body with essential natural vitamins. And we know where to find them in Orange County.

Community Resources
Unique offer: Superior delicacy from the World Ocean
Unique offer: Superior delicacy from the World Ocean

The European Delights grocery store has another shipment of caviar from Alaska.

Community Resources
European Delights. Our products in Southern California
European Delights. Our products in Southern California

European Delights is a European grocery store in Fountain Valley where they speak a language you can understand. As soon as you step into European Delights, you will find yourself in a comfortable environment: cozy, sophisticated and authentic. The aisles are filled with a variety of European products.

Community Resources
Address to future partners of Socium.Network
Address to future partners of Socium.Network

The Simple Connect team is pleased to introduce you to the new "Promotion" page of our website. On it, we've outlined seven key reasons why you should consider advertising on our site. And most importantly, it's now completely FREE.

Community Resources
Integrated advertising as a hidden engine of success in the marketing world
Integrated advertising as a hidden engine of success in the marketing world

Explore the benefits of contextual advertising and discover the secrets to engaging your target audience. Learn a powerful strategy that can revolutionize your approach to growing your business.

Community Resources
Working together: an appeal from the Simple Connect team
Working together: an appeal from the Simple Connect team

We express our sincere gratitude to each of you who visit this site and read news and articles. Your opinion is very important to us, because we work for you. A week ago we launched this site and since then we have been working on its optimization, improving its functionality and the quality of the content we offer.

Community Resources