Творческий отдых на Paint Party в Ирвайне
2023-07-12 Local news

Creative recreation at the Paint Party in Irvine

Forget about stress at the Paint Party in Irvine, Orange County! Join us on Saturday, July 15 for a celebration of painting.

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  • The organizers will provide all guests with the necessary materials. Bring only enthusiasm with you.
  • Paint Party can be attended by both Russian-speaking and English-speaking participants.
  • While "meditating" with your brushes, you will enjoy a cookie, coffee, tea or glass of red wine. This is the perfect opportunity to combine creativity with relaxation.
  • No drawing skills are needed. Even those who have never drawn before will be delighted with the result, the authors of the project promise.
Spend a pleasant time over flavored tea or wine and learn how to paint a masterpiece.
Spend a pleasant time over flavored tea or wine and learn how to paint a masterpiece.

Пригласите своих друзей и родственников на Paint Party в Ирвайне, ведь отличное настроение, творческий отдых и незабываемые воспоминания гарантированы. Дайте волю своему внутреннему художнику!

All the details are on the event page..

Our team Socium.Network recommends joining the Paint Party at Roosevelt Coffee and creating a memorable gift for yourself.

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