Туризм в Ориндж Каунти: Возврат к лидерству после пандемии
2023-10-09 Local news

Orange County Tourism: A return to leadership after the pandemic

Orange County tourism has not only recovered from the pandemic, it has reached new heights. According to a study from Tourism Economics, tourist spending in the area totaled $1.1 billion in 2022, showing a 22% increase over 2021. These figures even surpassed spending before the pandemic began.

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Tourism in Orange County undoubtedly plays a key role in the region's economy. Executive Director Steve Neuhaus noted the importance of this sector. He emphasized that tourism contributes significantly to economic growth. Across New York State, the tourism sector generated $79 billion in 2022.

Based on a report "The Economic Impact of Visitors in New York City 2022: A Focus on Hudson Valley," tourism in Orange County increased significantly. Tourism spending in the area was $64 million higher than before the pandemic. Hudson Valley tourism as a whole showed a 20.4% increase in 2022.

It's not just the numbers that show tourism is thriving. Unique cultural events, festivals and a vibrant craft scene make Orange County a destination for tourists. In addition, improvements in infrastructure and the introduction of new tourist destinations stimulate traveler interest.

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Despite Orange County's strong performance, Westchester was the only county where spending did not exceed pre-pandemic levels. Nevertheless, tourism in Orange County brought $153.8 million into the state's coffers, which in turn created 11,161 jobs.

Amanda Dana, Orange County's director of tourism and film, emphasized the diversity of regional and world-renowned attractions. Tourism in Orange County drives economic development, creating jobs and saturating coffers, she said. New York attracted 291 million tourists in 2022, a 23 percent increase over the previous year. This validates tourism's role in the state's economy.

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Orange County has demonstrated an amazing ability to adapt and recover in a post-pandemic world. Its efficient use of resources, unique cultural characteristics, and strategic planning have made it a model for other regions. Tourism, as a catalyst for economic growth, will continue to play a key role in the future of this county, strengthening its position on the world stage.

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Image: unsplash.com