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2023-07-18 Local news

A summer camp for children is organized in Orange County

Miracles for Kids is inviting kids with health challenges and their families to its 12th summer camp for kids, Surf & Paddle.

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The goal of this program is to give children with life-threatening medical conditions the opportunity to surf under the guidance of experienced instructors. "We strive to create a positive learning experience as well as make a lasting impact on children by providing them with a fun and free summer camp program," said Miracles for Kids.

Kids have been enjoying surfing, paddleboarding, yoga, and building sand castles for the past summer. At times like these, they experience the joy of fun again and can run the beach instead of being at a doctor's appointment. Of course, their spirits are lifted. And parents at the same time are relaxed watching their little ones enjoy and learn new things.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 20 at the Newport Aquatic Center, 1, Newport Beach. It will be Paddleboarding and Kayak Day.

Summer camp for seriously ill children is just one of many activities from Miracles for Kids. It is a non-profit organization and provides monthly financial assistance, subsidized housing and counseling to families who are fighting for their children's lives.

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Photo: laparent.com