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2023-08-07 Local news

Mission Possible? Volunteers are being sought to clean up the park

To make Orange County even more attractive, Santa Ana is organizing a clean-up campaign for Jerome Park. Everyone is welcome to join in.

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"Inner-Coastal Cleanup Day" is an opportunity to do your part for nature and make Orange County an even cleaner place for all residents. Santa Ana Public Works Agency will host an Inner-Coastal Cleanup Day at Jerome Park on September 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Address - 2115 W McFadden Avenue.

Volunteers will be removing trash and debris from the Santa Ana Gardens flood control channel and the adjacent park area. This work will help prevent heavy pollution and prevent the mixture from entering the ocean during rain events. The Public Works Agency needs your help and participation in the cleanup to make the event a success.

Everyone will have to sign a document confirming their consent to perform the work. For those under 18, the signature of a parent or guardian is important, - say the organizers of the action. Also do not forget to bring protective shoes and sunscreen. We need to be prepared for any conditions, because safety is always a priority.

парк Santa Ana

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All volunteers during the park cleanup in Santa Ana will not only work, but also relax. There will be drinks and snacks to help participants recover and continue to work efficiently.

If you feel the call of your heart to help protect the environment and keep coastal areas clean, join us. You can contact the organizers at (714) 647-5659 or email: cfoster@santa-ana.org.

For reference, Jerome Park is a 17.92-acre park. It is located near the intersection of McFadden Avenue and Center Street. The park has picnic areas, a fitness area, baseball fields, and a playground for toddlers and youth.

Socium.Network team is confident: we can change the look of our beautiful Orange County together! We will also write about the best parks in the county very soon.

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Image: santa-ana.org