Будущие собаки-поводыри тренируются ездить в автобусах
2023-10-12 Local news

Future guide dogs train to ride buses

In Anaheim, Orange County, future guide dogs are trained to ride buses to help people in need.

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One such event from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) took place just recently. And it was a very interesting spectacle. After all, more than one and a half hundred four-legged heroes traveled by bus together with their trainers. Their main task was to teach the dogs to do good in the conditions of real life, noisy streets, loud sounds and shouts. That is, in such circumstances that they may encounter during their future work.

In particular, the training was conducted specifically for animals that will later work with people with disabilities. Therefore, future guide dogs are trained to ride in OC Bus buses. They enter the bus cabin via ramps, directly from the bus stop, while being next to their trainer.

Some do well without difficulty, while others need extra encouragement.

служебные собаки тренируются автобусах
OCTA holds a training day for service animals in Anaheim. Image: twitter.com/goOCTA.

This training day was important in preparing the dogs for service as they learned to adapt to real world conditions. Most importantly, they will be able to work as guides for people with special needs.

Experts say that Labradors and Golden Retrievers are best suited for the role of guide dog. These breeds are the most docile and favorable to children and their guardians. In addition, royal poodles and sheepdogs, particularly German and Scottish, are also used for this job. However, in most cases, it is Labradors and Golden Retrievers that become guide dogs.

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By the way, such an event is not the first. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, they were held every six months for ten years. But then the trainings stopped. A year ago, the training was restarted. And now the hero service dogs are going to people again.

Image: guidedogs.com.au