Google, Apple и Meta близки к одобрению выпуска VR и AR устройств
2023-09-30 Global news

Google, Apple and Meta are close to approving the release of VR and AR devices

Three of the world's biggest tech companies - Google, Apple and Meta - are on the verge of getting approval from US regulators to release virtual and augmented reality devices.

The list of anticipated new products includes glasses and systems that integrate with in-car devices. The feature of these devices will be the use of the same frequency as the Wi-Fi connection.

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On September 27, the chair of the US Federal Communications Commission, Jessica Rosenworcel, officially announced Google, Meta, and Apple's plans to expand the range of VR devices in the US market. The commission will soon vote on the matter on October 19. Based on the current makeup of the commission, approval of the proposal is extremely likely.

According to Rosenworcel, the introduction of 6 GHz devices could be a new stage in innovation, making the technology accessible and interesting to the average consumer. It will also strengthen the U.S. position in the wireless market.

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It should be recalled that two years ago, these companies have already applied to the FCC with a request to grant access to this spectrum of radio frequencies. They believe that this spectrum is of key importance for the future of VR and AR. The main product to be released will be augmented reality glasses. These devices are capable of synchronizing with smartphones at 6 GHz.

One prospective use of the new technology will be the ability to share route information between smartphones and cars. In October, the FCC will also consider issues related to net neutrality principles for Internet providers.

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