Музыкант Эндрю МакМэхон поддерживает больных раком
2023-07-28 Local news

Musician Andrew McMahon supports cancer patients

Musician Andrew McMahon and his Dear Jack Foundation are hosting a cancer benefit in Orange County on Aug. 5.

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This isn't the first time Andrew McMahon and his Dear Jack Foundation have organized such charitable events. As a rule, Andrew plays concerts together with his bands Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate. But this time the famous musician, vocalist, songwriter together with the foundation invites everyone to the charity dinner "From Farm to Table". Thus, each participant of the evening will contribute to the fight against a terrible disease.

The event includes savoring dishes made with produce grown on the farm. There will also be refreshments and informative conversations with Andrew and representatives of his foundation. All proceeds will go to the Dear Jack Foundation to support cancer patients and survivors.

благотворительный вечер Дорогой Джек
100% of the proceeds from the fundraiser will go directly to the Dear Jack Foundation and cancer patients.

Unfortunately, Andrew himself knows what it's like to struggle with such a terrible disease. After all, in 2005 he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A year later, the famous musician created a foundation. Its purpose is to support both young people who have been diagnosed with cancer and their families. The Dear Jack Foundation strives to do everything to improve the quality of life of patients from treatment to recovery.

“Миссия фонда “Дорогой Джек” проста. Мы приносим помощь, кому мы можем, и везде, где мы можем. С вашей поддержкой мы преодолеваем дефицит финансирования для программ, которые специально нацелены на подростков и молодых людей, сталкивающихся с раком и его изнурительными последствиями. Будьте голосом, который скажет: “Мы вас понимаем” и “Вы не одиноки””, – говорит основатель фонда Эндрю МакМэхон.

Reserve your spot for a fundraiser from the Dear Jack Foundation at the Ecology Center at 6pm: 32701 Alipaz Street, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675.

Phone: (949) 443 4223.

Socium.Network team would like to thank everyone who does charity work in support of those in need. Thank you for reading us!

Фото: liveinrdg.com