На помощь шерифам спешит частный патруль
2023-07-18 Local news

A private patrol is coming to the sheriffs' aid.

A private patrol has assumed authority in San Clemente. It will assist Orange County Sheriffs with the safety of the city.

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The city has decided that the safety and security of its citizens is paramount. So the San Clemente government signed a new contract for six months with the private organization Allied Universal Security Services. And funded the project with $350,000.

First, in this way, the city leadership wants to reassure residents a bit and close the gaps related to security.

Secondly, Orange County Sheriff’s Department will receive physical support. As the private patrol will work in the most active areas of the city, the most crowded places, beaches and territories of business centers.

В Orange County Sheriff’s Department - новые помощники.
The Orange County Sheriff's Department has new deputies.

There are four members of the private security team. They can also be recognized by their black uniforms. They will patrol in white cars in pairs from 6:00 to 24:00. But no guns. For the county sheriffs, that's extra hands, eyes and ears. By the way, the first patrol raid has already taken place on July 17 at one of San Clemente's beaches.

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The private patrol is aimed at preventing violations of public order and ensuring the safety of residents. Because repeatedly the police have recorded cases of attacks on the military and ordinary citizens, riots aimed at business activities. But also the city leadership notes that the initiative is not new. Many police departments, including the Orange County department, already use private patrols to strengthen their activities.

Также известно, что правительство San Clemente планирует переоценить услуги частной охранной компании после шести месяцев работы.

Socium.Network team team believes that enhancing public safety is a necessary and important step.

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