Дают отпуск! Santa Ana запустила проект для родителей
2023-07-22 Local news

They're giving you a vacation! Santa Ana has launched a project for parents

Up to eight weeks of paid parental leave. This social project was launched by the authorities of Santa Ana, Orange County.

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Santa Ana management decided to implement a new benefit in the form of paid parental leave for eligible employees. The event was a historic moment. The Santa Ana City Council is the first public agency in Orange County to offer this privilege to its employees.

Such an initiative was reported on the official the city's website.

More than 100 employees will have the opportunity to take advantage of this new benefit. Those that are members of the Santa Ana Managers Association (SAMA) or the Santa Ana Confidential Association (CASA). The agreement with SAMA was approved by the City Council on June 6 and with CASA on July 18.

Mayor Valerie Amezcua is proud that Santa Anta has become a leader in providing paid parental leave. And she emphasized: employees are an integral part of city government. After all, they make a huge contribution to serving the community.

  • Negotiations between the City and both labor groups resulted in an agreement. Employees who qualify can receive up to eight weeks of employer-paid leave. Specifically in connection with the birth, adoption or foster care of a child," city management said.

Thus, the City of Santa Ana not only became the first in Orange County. But it may also be one of the first in California to provide full paid parental leave.

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The innovative project emphasizes the city administration's concern for the well-being of its employees and support for family values. Paid parental leave will be an important step in ensuring equal opportunities. It will also improve working conditions for Santa Ana employees.

Socium.Network team hopes that this example will be an inspiration for other organizations. And they will also strive to create similar innovations for their employees.

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