Комары не спят: первое заражение вирусом Западного Нила в 2023 году
2023-08-31 Local news

Mosquitoes don't sleep: first West Nile virus infection in 2023

This year is the first time such a case has been reported in Orange County, but last year West Nile virus was detected in 11 people.

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This is reported by the U.S. Public Health Agency. It is known about 11 cases of West Nile virus infection among people in Orange County last year and two deaths associated with it. The first case this year, in which a mosquito became a vector for the virus, was diagnosed in an Orange resident. Her infection is asymptomatic.

Deputy County Health Officer Dr. Matthew Zahn notes that West Nile virus is endemic in the region. It activates annually during the summer months and continues through the fall. The best way to prevent contracting this virus is to take precautions:

вирус Западного Нила

  • do not allow standing water on your farms to avoid breeding mosquitoes
  • make sure your window and door screens are in good condition
  • use mosquito repellent containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or a product containing IR3535.
  • limit time outdoors at dusk, when mosquitoes are most active
  • limit the time spent outside at dusk, when mosquitoes are most active

According to health officials, most people infected with West Nile virus do not experience symptoms. But some may have fever, headache, and other minor symptoms. People over 50 and with certain medical conditions have a higher risk of complications. They require medical attention.

There is important information about mosquito control on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website.

Socium.Network team hopes mosquitoes will leave people alone. We've had enough of the covid pandemic.

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