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2023-07-27 Local news

We suggest taking a dip in the deep waters below the city of Irvine

Irvine, Orange County has an exciting art exhibit opening in Irvine, "Deep Water/Deep Earth". It will be housed at City Hall.

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Irvine is thrilled to present its latest Art at City Hall exhibition series entitled Deep Water/Deep Earth. The underground waterways in Irvine are transformed into a collection of exciting collages, prints, and digital artworks.

According to the the city's website, the concept of the Deep Water/Deep Earth exhibit revolves around physical geography. Aquifers, cisterns, caves, pits and mines... These underground geographic features have important historical and cultural significance. What many people don't know is that there is a huge aquifer underneath the city of Irvine. It contains over 1 million acre feet of water that extends three-quarters of a mile deep and extends beyond the outer boundaries of Orange County. This resource remains largely invisible. But it affects every aspect of daily life. And it underscores humanity's deep dependence on the hidden depths of the earth, City Hall says in enticing visitors to the exhibit.

Read also: Immersive art and ecology on display in Irvine

The creators of the exhibition are the collaborative team of Professor Antoinette Lafarge of the University of California, Irvine and independent artist Christelle Dillboner of Berkeley. Together, they explore the imaginary relationship between geology and hydrology. In doing so, demonstrating the hidden wonders beneath our feet.

"Deep Water/Deep Earth" is scheduled to premiere on Monday, August 7 and run through Wednesday, November 22. The opening ceremony will be held on Thursday, August 10, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Irvine City Hall. Admission to the exhibit, parking and the opening reception are free to all.

By the way, Art at City Hall is an initiative for local authors. Thanks to it, they can present their works in the City Hall. Every season, new exhibitions with fresh themes decorate the halls of the administrative heart of the city.

Socium.Network team recommends that you don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to see the craftsmanship that illuminates the hidden treasures of Irvine's underground realm.

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