Подождите со спортом – ему тоже нужен отдых
2023-07-27 Local news

Hold off on the sports - they need rest too

The City of Santa Ana has announced the closure of athletic fields for the remainder of the summer for renovations.

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In order to ensure the efficient maintenance and proper upkeep of the City's athletic fields, it is planned to close some fields for repairs and turf restoration. This initiative aims to improve the conditions for an active sports life in the City of Santa Ana. In the meantime, city officials are making every effort to ensure that these activities do not affect the activities of sports organizations and residents.

About it writes the official website of the city..

Beginning Monday, July 31, through October 9, the athletic fields at the following City of Santa Ana parks will be closed due to annual turf repairs:

  • Adams Park, July 31-October 2, 2302 S. Raitt Street
  • Delhi Park, Aug. 1-Oct. 9, 2314 S. Halladay Street
  • Riverview, July 10-Sept. 11, 1817 W. 21 Street
  • Cesar Chavez, July 5-September 13, 3311 W. 5th Street
  • Centennial Park, July 5-Sept. 6, 3000 W. Edinger Avenue
  • Angels Community Park, June 5-Aug. 14, 300 N. Flower Street
  • Memorial Park, May 30-Aug. 7, 2102 S. Flower Street.

During the period of repair works the fields will be completely fenced and closed to the public. The city management asks residents to use alternative sports fields found in nearby parks - until the completion of repair works on the said fields.

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For more information or if residents have questions, they are asked to contact Public Works Park Supervisor Jorge Acevedo at (714) 647-3324. The City Council apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks them for their understanding. Working together, they say, will create better conditions for sports fields in Santa Ana.

Socium.Network team hopes that all works will be completed in time. And everyone will be able to return to their favorite sports activities again.

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