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2023-09-25 Local news

John Wayne Airport is the best at satisfying travelers in North America

Despite various challenges related to passenger traffic, pilot shortages, and weather conditions, Santa Ana's John Wayne Airport is among the best in terms of service.

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Such a study was released by J.D. Power , a global leader in consumer analytics, consulting services.

Among major airports in North America, John Wayne Airport ranked second in customer satisfaction. First place went to Tampa International Airport. Third place went to Salt Lake City International Airport.

"In a year characterized by record passenger traffic, JWA distinguished itself by its dedication to passenger satisfaction.

Despite heavy passenger traffic, pilot shortages, and weather conditions, overall passenger satisfaction at North American airports has improved. All thanks to improvements in terminal facilities, retail services and baggage claim systems," says Orange County.

John Wayne Airport
John Wayne Airport is the 2nd largest airport in North America.

The study measures overall traveler satisfaction and evaluates six factors. These include terminals, airport arrival/departure, baggage claim, security screening, and check-in/check-in. As well as food, beverage and retail services.

"While airports are doing a good job of meeting current challenges, they can still do more. More to improve the passenger experience as well as - their own revenues," states J.D. Power.

Read also: Santa Ana Airport in Orange County: history and interesting facts

"Happy passengers spend much more money at the airport. Therefore, continuous efforts to distribute passenger traffic throughout the day and provide high-quality service at all customer touchpoints will be extremely important," the study authors explain.

For reference, John Wayne Airport ranked first among major airports in 2017 and 2018. And in 2019 and 2020, it ranked second.

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Image: ocair.com, unsplash.com