Американка украинского происхождения даст в Калифорнии мастер-класс по уникальной самчиковской росписи
2023-09-23 Local news

An American woman of Ukrainian origin will give a master class on unique Samchikovsky painting in California

If you're a connoisseur of atypical events - join a Samchykivka painting workshop by Ukrainian artist Svitlana Ivasyuk in California.

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Svitlana Ivasyuk is an American artist of Ukrainian descent who creates amazing works in a variety of styles: traditional Ukrainian Samchikka art, petrikovka, watercolor, neuro-art, and beadwork. Her work is shown in private galleries, museums and private collections throughout the United States. Recently, Svitlana Ivasyuk's watercolor paintings were exhibited at the San Diego Watercolor Society show. And one of them received an honorable mention.

Svetlana enjoys teaching others the magic of art, conducting numerous master classes and private lessons on various styles of painting. On October 21, she will hold such a master class on Samchikovsky painting.

мастер-класс самчиковской росписи

Samchykivka is a traditional Ukrainian art style. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the village of Samchiki. Works in the Samchykivka style resemble tapestries with large, bold patterns filled with contrasting colors. You can often see curved feathers, toothed leaves, flower petals and fanciful, flowing lines on them.

During the master class you will learn how to create a real samchikka painting from the very beginning. You will get acquainted with the history of the Ukrainian art of samchikka and get practical instructions on painting from an experienced artist.

мастер-класс самчиковской росписи

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The master class on Samchikovsky painting does not require special artistic skills. Everyone with or without painting experience can participate. All materials will be provided by the artist. There will also be refreshments and light snacks.

The artist will give step-by-step instructions and tips. And before painting a picture, you will practice with a brush. In addition, you will see wonderful Samchikovsky murals, which may become an inspiration for you. After the master class you will be able to buy some of the original Samchikovsky style paintings.

The cost to participate in the 3-hour workshop is $75. The number of seats is limited. Book your participation here. All proceeds will go to humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

The venue is Hall of Nations, 2191 Pan American Rd W, San Diego, 92101.

Image: authenticukraine.com.ua and from open sources