В Orange County призывают утилизировать опасные отходы
2023-07-31 Local news

Orange County is being urged to recycle hazardous wastes

Orange County encourages proper disposal of hazardous waste: batteries, electronics, chemicals. Find out the collection points!

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Improper disposal of batteries and other hazardous waste can lead to fires in garbage recycling systems, threatening life and the environment. The official website of the county writes about it.

  • Согласно статистике, в Соединенных Штатах ежегодно на свалках происходит около 8300 пожаров. И часто они обусловлены неправильной утилизацией опасных отходов. Например, легковоспламеняющихся веществ и химических материалов.

As fire and heat season is upon us, it is important to be reminded of the importance of proper disposal of batteries and other hazardous materials. OC Waste & Recycling, which serves the county's solid waste disposal needs, offers an easy and affordable way to drop them off at designated drop-off centers.

They are located in various parts of Orange County. And are a safe place to dispose of waste - batteries, pesticides, chemicals, automotive supplies and e-cigarette cartridges. They also accept electronic televisions, tablets, old cell phones and computers.

There are drop-off locations in Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Irvine and San Juan Capistrano. And open Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Except holidays and rainy days.

Read also: European Union makes it easier to replace smartphone batteries by 2024

It is noticeable that OC Waste & Recycling pays great attention to the safety of residents and the environment. Therefore, it provides the opportunity to properly dispose of hazardous waste, helping to reduce the risk of fire and negative damage.

For more information on proper disposal of household hazardous waste, residents can visit OC Waste & Recycling's website or follow the company on social media.

Socium.Network team recommends using the centers listed above. Be conscious consumers and thank you for reading us!