День Независимости Украины в Orange County!
2023-07-20 Local news

Independence Day of Ukraine in Orange County!

Orange County's Ukrainian community is preparing to celebrate a special day for Ukraine - Independence Day. Join us!

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The event will take place on August 27 at Regional Park Laguna Niguel. A fair and picnic at a cozy location will bring together immigrants from Ukraine and those who want to join in the atmospheric activities. Independence Day will begin at 11:00 am. Participants will enjoy delicious food and performances by talented children.

The program is completely free and open to the public. To learn more and for more information, visit the event page on Facebook..

Join the Orange County Ukrainian community to celebrate Ukraine's Independence Day, filled with pride and cultural exchange, together. Put on your embroidered vyshyvanka and invite your friends to a cultural program with Ukrainian music.

More details to follow shortly.

By the way, the Independence Day of Ukraine is a public holiday that has been celebrated annually since 1991, on August 24. This year it is the 32nd anniversary.

Our team Socium.Network will be keeping a close eye on all event updates. Thank you for reading us!