Разборки в суде из-за патриотических символов и статуи Свободы
2023-09-28 Global news

A court fight over patriotic symbols and the Statue of Liberty

Liberty Tax Service has lost a lawsuit against the creators of the TV series Better Call Saul. Judge Paul Gardeff dismissed the lawsuit, arguing that the images of the fictional Sweet Liberty Tax Services did not infringe Liberty Tax Service's trademark.

In the lawsuit, Liberty Tax claimed that the TV series "Better Call Saul" defamed their company by portraying Sweet Liberty Tax Services as a fraudulent business. The company also claimed that using patriotic symbols and the Statue of Liberty to attract customers was an infringement of their trademark.

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Gardef, however, ruled that the images were used for artistic purposes and did not confuse viewers. He also pointed out the irony of the use of the characters in the TV series Better Call Saul, which features morally questionable characters.

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The court took into account the following factors:

  • Sweet Liberty Tax Services is a fictional company that does not exist in real life.
  • Images of Sweet Liberty Tax Services are used in the show in a satirical context.
  • The use of patriotic symbols and the Statue of Liberty in the TV series is not trademark infringement. The point is that these symbols are widely used in other contexts.

Liberty Tax attorneys said they will consider options, including appealing the decision. AMC and their lawyers did not comment on the court's decision.

Additional details:

  • Liberty Tax's lawsuit was filed in 2023.
  • The trial lasted several months.
  • The court entered judgment on September 20, 2023.

The court's decision may have implications for other companies that use trademarks for artistic purposes.

More information here.