Есть нюансы по получению статуса временной защиты в США
2023-08-28 Local news

There are nuances to obtaining temporary protected status in the U.S.

In connection with the TPS innovations introduced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, an online seminar for Ukrainians is planned.

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The DHS Department of Homeland Security provided updates regarding Ukrainians obtaining Temporary Protected Status in the United States. TPS is a form of immigration status for those already in the United States.

If you have a TPS, you can:
- Be lawfully present in the U.S. for a specified period of time
- Apply for employment authorization in the U.S.
- Apply for a document for travel outside the U.S.
- get protection from detention and deportation.

Because Ukrainians have many questions regarding these changes, CWS Orange County as the local refugee resettlement agency authorized by state leadership, will be hosting a webinar for anyone interested.

The date is August 31, 11:00 a.m., via Zoom.

статуса временной защиты

Read also: Temporary protection status for Ukrainians in the U.S. extended!

"These new rules change some of the immigration process plans for many Ukrainians who have suffered from Russian aggression and are planning or have already arrived in the U.S. seeking temporary asylum. It is imperative that they understand whether they are eligible for TPS. And how necessary and important it is for clients with active TPS to re-register to extend their temporary protection status," the organization explains.

The agency's lawyers will talk in detail about all the innovations, what to worry about and what not to worry about. It will be possible to ask questions and get answers. Register for the seminar using this form.

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Image: cwsorangecounty.org