Рост COVID-19: округ Orange призывает к осторожности
2023-08-14 Local news

COVID-19 growth: Orange County urges caution

Orange County has seen an increase in the percentage of positive PCR tests for COVID-19 among local residents.

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The Division of Disease Control, which operates under the auspices of the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA), indicates an increase in virus activity over the past month. This is stated on the official website of the county..

According to the report, this increase is reminiscent of previous seasons when the incidence also increased in both summer and winter. It is important to note that most of those infected are aged 0-3 years and 75 years and above. Which indicates the need for precautionary measures among these populations.

In particular, Dr. Regina Chinxio-Kwong, head of HCA's health department, stressed the importance of taking precautionary measures. This will reduce the risk of serious illnesses and hospitalizations.

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Orange County COVID

Therefore, citizens are advised to apply the necessary safety measures:

  • If you have recently attended a large meeting/event, traveled, or had close contact with a COVID-19 patient, watch for symptoms and get tested.
  • If you are sick, stay home and get checked out.
  • Wearing a mask in crowded indoor environments has been shown to be an effective measure to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection or spread.
  • All individuals should continue to practice good hand hygiene.
  • Orange County doctors also recommend that individuals 6 months of age and older be immunized against COVID-19.

The current COVID-19 vaccination schedule, particularly for those with moderate to severe immunodeficiency, can be found here. To sign up for vaccinations, visit myturn.ca.gov.

Adults and children who have a risk of progression to severe COVID-19 disease should be screened for appropriate COVID-19 treatment. HCA also responds to community inquiries through a referral line at 1 (800) 564-8448. Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Socium.Network team recommends not to ignore doctors' recommendations and take care of your health. 

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