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2023-08-29 Local news

Show your wild side at Corona del Mar Beach

But first, exhale - all you have to do is create a sand sculpture in the shape of an animal. The best teams in the Sandcastle competition will receive prizes.

Darya Center banner

The annual Sandcastle competition will be held in Newport Beach on October first. This year, for just a second, it will be the 61st time. The organizers, the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce's Commodores Club, invite everyone and families with children to join the event. That is, you can be both a participant in the contest and just watch the colorful and fun spectacle.

Every year Sandcastle attracts thousands of spectators and participants, ranging from experienced professionals to beginners. The theme of this year's beach competition will be animals. You will have to create a sculpture of any animal you like.


Participants will receive a free t-shirt. And they will even be able to compete for a cash prize. In addition to incredible sand creations, there will be music, delicious food and entertainment at the event.

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Get your team together - from family members, friends, school district, coworkers. Register for the Sandcastle or come to Corona del Mar State Beach to see a real sandcastle show! All contest details are here.

Socium.Network team invites everyone to the annual celebration of sand and creativity. Write in the comments who is going!

Image: newportbeach.com