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2023-10-20 Local news

Working Cats Program. How Orange County controls rodents

Orange County Animal Services has launched Working Cats, a program to find homes for special cats. These cats, currently residing at the Animal Care Center in Chapel Hill, have unique characteristics: they are not sociable enough to be suitable for regular adopting, but are ideal for working in barns or workshops.

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These animals are for those in need of natural rodent control. The Working Cats program offers these cats a chance at a new life. They may not like affection, but they are excellent at controlling rodents in agricultural and industrial settings.

Adoption through the Working Cats program not only rescues cats that have difficulty finding homes because of their temperament. It also provides a practical solution to control unwanted rodent populations. These cats become indispensable in rodent control, keeping storage facilities, barns and production areas safe.

Before the cats go to their new home, they are spayed and receive the necessary vaccinations. This program also includes advice on the care and adaptation of the cats to ease their transition into their new space.

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Dr. Sandra Strong, director of services, stresses the importance of this program. Too many cats, especially those that do not do well in a shelter, need homes. The program not only saves their lives, but also provides a beneficial impact on the local community by helping to control the rodent population.

Those interested in adopting a working cat can contact OCAS. This initiative is a vital program that supports both cats and local residents facing rodent problems. The program is still accepting applications from those wishing to participate and contribute to this noble cause.

With the current overcrowding at the shelter, the Working Cats program is a lifeline for many cats. It's also a great opportunity for the community to work together to improve conditions for animals and people. If you have a place that could be a home for a working cat and you are willing to take responsibility for their welfare, don't hesitate to contact OCAS for more information or to complete an application for the program. Your participation can make a difference in the lives of these cats and benefit your household or business.

All the details are on link.

Image: Unsplash