Рестораны украинской кухни стают центрами украинского комьюнити
2023-09-04 Local news

Ukrainian cuisine restaurants become centers of Ukrainian community

A family from Mariupol has opened the first institution with Ukrainian cuisine in LA. They add a pinch of Ukrainian love and soul to traditional dishes.

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Mom, Please was founded by a family of entrepreneurs from Mariupol. After a full-scale invasion, they moved to the second most populous city in the United States in Southern California, Los Angeles. At first, they just made frozen foods. But when they realized that there was a demand and people liked the products, they went further. This is how a full-fledged Ukrainian restaurant Mom, Please came into being.

By the way, we already mentioned the institution when we did a review of Ukrainian cuisine in California.

According to Inna Kochetkova, co-owner of Mom, Please, opening the café was a very responsible mission. It made it possible not only to give Ukrainians a job, which is hard to find in LA. But also to form Ukrainian community thanks to it. After all, the most fans of the restaurant are among Ukrainians. Although there are plenty of American visitors too.

украинской кухни

They serve dumplings, cheesecakes, and flavored coffee. However, Americans love dumplings and Napoleon cake. The place also makes honeydewberry. And everything is based on the recipes of Inna's mother-in-law, Elena Kochetkova, in whose honor Mom, Please was named. She also lives in the USA today with her son's family.

In an interview with the Voice of America, the woman admitted that work helps her get over the grief that happened in her family. Elena's husband was killed by a shell right in the kitchen in Mariupol, where they worked together until March 2022.

украинской кухни

Restaurant workers note that everything is prepared with Ukrainian love and soul. This is felt by the visitors as well:

Thank you for the delicious Ukrainian food and hospitality. I am glad I found this place where they cook like at home.

The best Ukrainian cuisine on the West Coast.

Wonderful authentic Ukrainian cuisine! If you are not Ukrainian - take the time to try the main dishes there - don't take salads or pizza. Take the varenyky, dumplings, cheesniki. It's an absolute hit!

Such reviews are left by visitors to the restaurant.

Socium.Network team is very happy that such restaurants are opening that bring people together. What Ukrainian cuisine place in California would you recommend?

Image: mom-please.com